Enabling Strategy Execution

A great strategy is worthless unless it is well executed.

Our People Development practice focuses upon helping you effectively execute your  business transformation or new strategy.  We help ensure that your teams are aligned with the strategy, understand the context in which it has been developed and are provided with the capability to execute successfully.

Often this development support coincides with a consultancy or technology project that we are undertaking for a client, but we also partner with the client where this is not the case, or where other consultants are working on a brief.

What makes us stand apart from a standard leadership development offering is that we fully understand the business and roles that are involved in executing the strategy. Our team combines years of experience inside client organisations in the same leadership roles as our clients, combined with experienced leadership development professionals.

We have four key areas we focus upon to achieve optimum strategy execution 

Leadership Behaviour and Actions

Ensuring leaders are provided with the tools to communicate and manage implementation. Assisting in developing goals and priorities.

Team Capability and Skills

We help develop team capabilities, address capability gaps, provide resourcing, if necessary, and embed strategic execution plans.

Team Mindset

We work with you to bring the team with you in executing the strategy.  Ensuring that they understand and are fully on-board and that they believe in it.

Team Collaboration

Financial institutions often work in silos.  We assist to bring these together to ensure collaboration and teamwork at all stages of the project.

Leadership Development

We will also assist C-suite leaders and leadership potential through their own development programmes.

Entirely tailored to the individual, this may involve supporting their “first 100 days”, developing their leadership toolkit or assisting them creating a coaching culture in their company or team.

We can help leaders become future-proof with the necessary skill-sets to manage any upcoming situation.

Please contact us to discuss our People Development capabilities